Interviurile skype - noul trend in recrutare?
Category: For Employeers 11555

Interviurile Skype au devenit din ce in ce mai frecvente in ultimul timp si ofera atat avantaje, cat si dezavantaje pentru formatul traditional de interviu.

Mantis is the new Recruitment
Category: For Employeers 17115
Mantis - Personnel Search in Moldova and other countries

We′ve changed our name. Now we are Mantis. Why do we think this name matches us better?

How Much Should You Pay Your Employees? The Answer to this Question in our Salary Guide!
Category: For Employeers 19875
A new salary study by Mantis and

We are glad to inform you that, relying on your numerous requests, we have launched the so long-awaited Salary Guide. Possess accurate data and know how to pay for personnel’s work correctly!

Whom do you need?

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