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2016 Labour Market

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Forecast for employers: 2016 is going to be a difficult year

Despite positive changes that took place in the labour market last year, employers shall be ready for even more difficult filling of the vacancies this year.

Veronica BoshneakVeronica Boshneak: I would like to explain, as a first step, what positive changes I refer to. The staff scarcity provoked by outflow of qualified specialists to foreign countries, led to rivalry amongst forward-thinking employers struggling for candidates: more exactly, such employers started improving the working conditions, conducting the trainings, hiring young unexperienced specialists and training them further, as well as increasing the wages.

Unfortunately, even such measures do not always yield the desired outcome. Candidates do not believe in substantial wages or a possibility to get employed without personal acquaintances. A low level of credibility, tough economic situation in our country and overall pessimism led to candidates’ predilection for a ‘bird in the hand’. Staff sourcing becomes an extremely challenging task under such conditions.

The paradox is that the people start searching actively for a job when they feel confident about the future. When looking at a troubled and unstable situation in the market, a candidate thinks: ‘It would be better for me to outwait. No matter how bad my actual employer, they are better than none at all’.

Forecast for employees: IT specialists and sales managers are still in demand

As for our forecasts for candidates: qualified IT specialists, successful ‘sales persons’ (sales managers, sales representatives and marketing experts) and specialists possessing foreign languages still remain the most demanded ones. Workers of consumer-goods and food-service industries are in requisition too. But continually opening call centres provide the Russian-speaking population with workplaces.

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You may contact us by e-mail hr@rabota.md or by phone 079640444. 

We wish an efficient year to everybody!

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